"Now, I believe in myself. I trust my soul." In this series, we're highlighting our…

Meet Nereah Felix, A VERSIONS 2023 Alumni
In this series, we’re highlighting our VERSIONS Alumni. You’ll learn about their transformative journeys with and through the VERSIONS Youth Fellowship.
Nereah Felix, a fourth-year clinical psychology PhD student from Ottawa, may not have grown up believing music was her path, but she’s come to embrace it with open arms.
For Nereah, the idea of pursuing a creative career was a novel concept. Raised without a background in music, she found a passion for it during her teenage years. However, it wasn’t until she met her vocal coach in her twenties that she truly began to explore and develop her talent. The VERSIONS Youth Fellowship offered her an opportunity to dig even deeper into this interest and access tools and resources to expand her musical abilities while staying true to her commitment to helping others.
As a student and psychotherapist, Nereah understands the profound impact of human emotions and experiences. She draws parallels between her profession and her passion for music, recognizing both as powerful tools for navigating life’s complexities. “In my life, music has helped me regulate my emotions,” she explains. “It’s been a pretty big part of my coping mechanism throughout life.” Through music, Nereah draws strength, using its therapeutic benefits to navigate personal and professional challenges.
Encouraged by her vocal coach, Nereah ventured into VERSIONS with an open mind and a willingness to explore new horizons. Despite initially doubting her abilities, she recognized the importance of exposing herself to discomfort in order to grow. “I was looking for some level of guidance and support,” she recalls. This mindset of curiosity and vulnerability laid the groundwork for her transformative journey within the fellowship.
A New Level of Support
In VERSIONS, Nereah discovered a network of support that was instrumental in her personal growth and creative development. From mentorship sessions to peer group discussions and WhatsApp support, she found herself surrounded by individuals dedicated to fostering growth and collaboration. “I appreciated the mentorship and support and how it was consistently embedded in the structure of the program,” she shares. The community and camaraderie provided Nereah with the encouragement and support she needed to thrive.
Meeting T, a mentor within the program, proved to be a pivotal moment for Nereah. Nereah says she doesn’t often see herself reflected in mentor and guidance roles, especially in Ottawa. “Having such life-changing support and guidance from a Black woman was one of the most impactful things I got to experience.”
Together, they confronted her internal barriers and anxieties surrounding her pursuit of music. “She helped me reflect on my internal barriers,” Nereah recalls. Through these sessions, she gained clarity and confidence to embrace her creative aspirations.
Becoming a Global Citizen
VERSIONS is built around many workshops and activities designed to expand the Fellows’ perspectives and promote intercultural understanding. One exercise in particular had each Fellow research the history of the land they live on and write a land acknowledgement to present to the group, which was particularly moving for Nereah. She found herself confronting her own perspectives and assumptions and learning from others, leading to a deeper understanding of social justice issues.
As part of the program, Fellows are guided in designing and implementing a social impact project in their own community. Before VERSIONS, Nereah was focused on advocating for her clients individually but hadn’t had the opportunity to lead change in her community on a larger scale. For her social impact project, Nereah educated school personnel on racial trauma, ensuring they have the resources needed to treat BIPOC students’ mental health issues.
Nereah says it was a challenge to “find my voice within a system of about 40 white psychologists. I wondered if they were going to care or find it helpful.” But the project was a success. “I felt so humbled,” she shares, “seeing that even those in high positions have a curiosity and desire to help.”
VERSIONS redefined activism for Nereah, inspiring her to initiate change on individual and systemic levels. “In the past, it’s been easy to feel discouraged. Especially when it comes to racism in any system,” she shares. “But VERSIONS has really helped me think about how even if we’re not starting big, how can we start small? How can we start change in the ways that we treat people? What does that look like?”
Releasing Perfectionism
Through VERSIONS, Nereah learned to release perfectionism in her creative pursuits. “I take a whole lot more risks,” she says. This newfound freedom allowed her to explore creativity without fear of judgment, further enhancing her artistic exploration.
Beyond creative exploration, VERSIONS equipped Nereah with the tools and resources to achieve a more balanced life. “It’s helped me establish a lot more balance in my life,” she explains, emphasizing the importance of being intentional in where she puts her energy, engagement within her community, and how to be a social change advocate within larger systems.
A Life-Changing Experience
Since VERSIONS, Nereah has started a girl band—something she wouldn’t have considered before the program. The group, Lucid Dreaming, primarily performs music created by Black musicians to ensure Black voices continue to be heard. Nereah sees this as just one small but meaningful act of social change and is excited to continue to take action in her community.
Reflecting on her journey through VERSIONS, Nereah expresses profound gratitude for the program’s impact on her personal and professional growth. “This experience has definitely been life changing. I came in underestimating the impact it would have on my life…You have this team of people and in every realm possible helping you on your path to self-actualization.”
Through creativity, community, and advocacy, Nereah has discovered a newfound sense of purpose and empowerment, laying the groundwork for continued growth and self-actualization, both in the creative and therapeutic realms.
“VERSIONS has been a launching pad. I’ve never really seen myself in the creative realm, but they made it more of a reality.”