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Meet Jeremiah, A VERSIONS 2023 Grad

  • Darkspark

In this series, we're highlighting our VERSIONS Alumni. You'll learn about their transformative journeys with and through the VERSIONS Youth Fellowship. Jeremiah Beginnings Growing up in a community riddled with addiction and trauma, Jeremiah, a…

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A Brief History of Black & Intersectional Feminism

  • Darkspark

Feminism, often described as a movement for the benefit of all, has unfolded in waves over the years, progressively evolving. At the beginning of the movement, however, it did not include a universal premise and…

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Indigenous Women in Activism

  • Darkspark

Despite comprising only about 6% of the global population (largely thanks to colonization), Indigenous people total approximately 476 million people across 90 countries and play a crucial role in conserving over 80% of the Earth's…

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Religious Ferocity in the Black Community

  • Darkspark

Picture the vibrant scenes of Black churches, where worshippers dress in their finest attire and sit in an atmosphere notably different from other religious settings. Enthusiastic cries of “amen” and other affirmations, coupled with joyful…

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Lindy Hop: The Original Swing Dance

  • Darkspark

Welcome to the world of Lindy Hop - a swing dance pioneered by Black people that not only captivated audiences but broke societal barriers. Born out of a time of segregation, the Lindy Hip became…

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Darkspark Origin Story: The Birth of an Artist-Led Non-Profit

  • Darkspark

We never set out to start an organization. As with so many things in our life, it kind of just…happened. Back in 2008, D’Ari and I made a major (and insane) life transition and moved…

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Art as Revolution: A Medium for Change

  • Darkspark

Art, in all of its forms, can propel movements, change systems, shape culture, and unite people. When we reflect on social movements in history, we often see art standing at the heart of change. Prominent…

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5 Tricks to Take Your Social Media Success to the Next Level as an Artist

  • Darkspark

As a new artist, social media will be a handy tool as you build your career. Olivia Rodriguez and Doja Cat and just two of countless artists who got their start on social media. Whether…

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Hurt people, hurt people: How European history shaped the colonization of the Americas

  • Darkspark

Ever heard the phrase, “Hurt people hurt people?” You’ve likely come across it in discussions of bullying. While the statement never excuses a bully’s behaviour, it does offer an explanation of their behavioural origins and…

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To serve and protect? The colonial history of police brutality in America

  • Darkspark

George Floyd’s murder was a tipping point that ignited collective rage around systemic anti-Black racism rampant in the police force. It was an all too well-known reality in Black communities, but the discussions expanded past…

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Tap into Healing: EFT Tapping and the Butterfly Hug

  • Darkspark

We’re constantly forced to encounter stressors in our everyday lives. Stress comes at us in the form of school, work, family, relationships, and other aspects of daily living. In general, these stressors happen periodically, and…

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Breaking The Cycle: Understanding and Healing Intergenerational Trauma

  • Darkspark

Recently, people have become fascinated with companies that can track our ancestry and DNA. Of course, it’s exciting to see our lineage and better understand our personal history. But how often do we wonder about…

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3 Black Icons Who Used Their Music to Change the World

  • Darkspark

From rap and hip hop to RnB and more, Black artists are recognized for their musical talent and power to influence the masses. However, despite being at the forefront of culture and musical trends, Black…

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The Complex History of Black Hair

  • Darkspark

If you have textured hair, you’re likely familiar with the smell of a hot comb on Sunday mornings, sitting between your grandmother’s legs with a wince as she pulls your hair into tight braids, or…

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